
Santiago de Chile, Chile.- Prominent Chilean journalist Marcel Garces questioned on Monday the persistence of the U.S. economic blockade against Cuba, which he considered ”an act of war against a sovereign country and a dignified people.”

In statements to Prensa Latina, the editor of Cronica Digital newspaper in Chile, stated on how difficult is to understand that the main world, economic and military power maintains the rhetoric of the ‘enemy’, which began 58 years ago.

This is an act of aggression against a small country, which cannot threaten its territory, its way of life, its scale of values or its material wealth.

Garces discredited ‘the U.S. ‘national interests’ to try to justify a siege imposed to make Cuba surrender’ and force it to abandon its political model strengthened by a Revolution with almost 60 years.

The writer also recalled that for more than 50 years, Cuba has confirmed its resistance to invasions, plots, boycotts, assassination attempts of its leaders, threats of mass destruction and the dramatic changes of the global scenario.

He considered that what is at stake is so much the damage the U.S. blockade has done to trade, development, medical and scientific progress, that the Cubans have managed to overcome, as well as the right of a people to choose its destiny.

The Chilean analyst said that without a doubt the UN General Assembly, by an overwhelming majority, will again condemn the coercive measures imposed by the White House.