
Havana, Cuba.- Jose Marti and his vision on national identity in the efforts to achieve unity is among the new books presented for sale at the 27th edition of the International Book Fair in Cuba.

Pinos Nuevos Essay Award winner and published by the publishing house Letras Cubanas, the book ‘Patria es Cubanidad’ (Homeland is Cubanness) by journalist Jorge Hernandez is an approach to the vision by the Cuban National Hero on identity in its objective to achieve unity in order to materialize the so-dreamed project of a ‘Cordial Republic with all and for the good of all.’

During the presentation of the book at the Lezama Lima hall at the fortress La Cabaña, Dsc. Pedro Pablo Rodriguez praised the thorough research about the contents of the newspaper Patria (1892-1895), in which Marti did a great journalistic, political and revolutionary work.

This book goes deep into Marti’s ideology in the context of his literary work and also in that of the building of the Cuban nation, for which it is an essential source for consultation, due to its contribution to national identity.

Other books by the publishing house Nuevo Milenio were presented today at the book fair, as well as by the publishing house Ciencias Sociales.