Cuba in the forums parallel to the Summit of the Americas, in Peru,

Photo: Cubadebate

HAVANA, Cuba. – Cuba has much to contribute in the forums parallel to the eighth Summit of the Americas, Heidy Villuendas said, who part of the Coalition for a Respectful and Inclusive World, which brings together a part of the Cuban civil society and the region.

“We have a responsibility to represent the Cuban people in dignity, and to defend our sovereignty, and I hope this meeting to be a space for a constructive debate,” the young woman added.

Heidy Villuendas referred that in the forums parallel to the Summit of the Americas, in Peru, the Cuban delegation will emphasize on the achievements in matters of health, education, and equal rights, among others.

A representation of the Cuban civil society that actively contributes to the economic, political and social life of the country is present in the forums and activities associated with the summit.

Open to Dialogue with Everybody

With the premise of showing Cuba´s reality and achievements, nearly 200 social actors, athletes, intellectuals, entrepreneurs, and peasants attend the parallel events to the eighth Summit of the Americas, which takes place in Peru.

One of them is Dianet Martinez, president of the Christian Student Movement, who told to Radio Reloj that her presence at the event confirms how Cuba is open to dialogue with everyone.

Pole vaulter Yarisley Silva attends the Civil Society Forum representing the high performance athletes, to defend the values and principles instilled by the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro.

Troubadour Eduardo Sosa, as part of the delegation that participates in the activities associated to the Summit of the Americas, takes his music to Peru to promote the Cuban identity from culture.