cuba-convencionarquitecturaHavana, Cuba.-Brazilian specialists presented their criteria on civil engineering as part of the activities of the 18th Scientific Convention on Engineering and Architecture (CCIA 18) in Havana´s Convention Center.

The Technological University of Havana José Antonio Echevarría (Cujae) invited me to participate in this event, which was very beneficial for the existing exchange between our academic institutions, told Brazilian professor Cassio de Paiva, from the University of Caxias do Sul to Prensa Latina.

Paiva gave a lecture on pavements and railway projects at the 3rd International Congress of Civil Engineering, one of the 17 parallel events of CCIA 18.

The PhD in Sciences pointed out that these events are very important as they are the most effective way to know how the disciplines of engineering and architecture go in different countries, mainly in our region.

For example, we have a very dynamic student exchange with countries such as Venezuela, Colombia, Peru and Argentina, and it would be very fruitful for Cuba to insert itself in a more remarkable way in such initiatives; this is the place to achieve that goal, he said.