Brasilia, Brazil.- ”I am victim of a judicial chase already registered in history”, denounced former president and now presidential candidate of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, now 132 days as a political prisoner.
The accusation is contained in a letter to the Brazilian people written from his cell at the Superintendency of the Federal Police (PF) in Curitiba, where he is jailed since last April 7, and announced the eve after the official registry of his nomination before the Superior Electoral Court (TSE). One year, one month and three days, Sergio Moro used his post as judge to commit a political crime: condemning me for practicing ‘indetermined acts’ trying to prevent from being elected. He used a ‘fake news’ produced by daily O Globo about an apartment in Guaruja, he recalled.
Since them, he deplored, the Brazilian people awaits, in vain, for Moro and the rest of the judges who confirmed my sentence in second instance present some material proof that I am owner of such an apartment.
Lula alleged that, on the contrary, each day new facts come to light ratifying the illegitimate acts of agents of the judicial system to condemn him and keep him imprisoned. Further on, he ratified the Electoral Law guarantees that he will only not be a candidate if he dies, resigns or was discarded by justice.
‘I don’t pretend to die, I don’t consider resigning and I am going to fight for my registration to the end’, wrote the former head of government before saying ‘I don’t want favors, I want justice. I don’t change my dignity for my freedom’.
He also insisted he only asks that rights which have been recognized by courts for years in favor of hundreds of other candidates are also recognized for him, as ‘I cannot admit casuism nor exceptional judgment’.
He also said the UN Committee of Human Rights already issued a decision impeding the Brazilian State from causing irreversible damage to his political rights, reinforcing the impossibility of preventing him from disputing the 2018 elections.
However, the general electoral prosecutor, Raquel Dodge, challenged Lula’s presidential nomination, based on presumed ineligibility for having been condemned in second instance, which includes him in the so-called Law of Clean Slate.
Already since last July, the prosecutor anticipated she would present the challenge at the adequate moment and threatened ‘we evidently will take all necessary measures fo those who are not eligible have a quick response from the Electoral Justice’.
Besides Dodge’s demand, the TSE received last night another two demands of impugnation presented by candidates to deputies of the right: actor Alexandre Frota, of the Social Liberal Party (PSL) and Kim Kataguiri, aspirant for the Democrats (DEM) and one of the coordinators of the Free Brazil Movement (MBL).