Havana, Cuba.- The First International Medical Tourism and Wellness Fair (FITSaludCuba) is attracting the attention of specialists in the travel sector in the world, according to a report from Cuban authorities.
Comments from the Ministry of Tourism (Mintur) and specialists in the healthcare segment agreed that the meeting is on the agenda of many tour operators and travel agents due to the prestige of the medical sector in this country.
The event is scheduled for October 17-20 and will be held at the Pabexpo peripheral fairgrounds of this capital city.
According to organizers, the meeting will take place within the framework of the 15th Health for All Fair, and will be a propitious space to socialize Cuba’s strategy in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic.
The event will have the support and management of the Ministry of Public Health of Cuba, the Comercializadora de Servicios Médicos Cubanos, S.A. (an institution that is celebrating its 10th anniversary) and the Chamber of Commerce.