HAVANA, Cuba.- At the close of yesterday, April 27, 3 thousand 330 patients are admitted to hospitals for epidemiological clinical surveillance. Another 6,742 people are monitored in their homes from Primary Health Care.
For COVID-19, 857 samples were studied, resulting in 48 positive samples. The country accumulates 43 thousand 508 samples made and one thousand 437 positive (3.3%). Therefore, at the close of yesterday, 48 new cases are confirmed, for a cumulative figure of 1,437 in the country.
The 48 new confirmed cases were Cuban. Of them, 33 (68.7%) confirmed case contacts and in 15 (31.2%) the source of infection is not accurate.
Of the 48 diagnosed cases, 24 were female and a similar figure male (50% each). The worst-affected age groups were: under 40 with 22 cases (45.8%), followed by 40 to 60 with 14 cases (29.1%). 58.3% (28) of positive cases were asymptomatic.
The places of residence of the 48 confirmed cases by provinces and municipalities are as follows:
Artemisa: 4 cases (from San Antonio de los Banos, Guira de Melena, Mariel and Guanajay municipalities with 1 each)
Havana: 26 cases (5 from San Miguel del Padron municipality, 4 from Centro Habana and Regla municipalities; 3 from Marianao; Diez de Octubre, Arroyo Naranjo and Cerro with 2 each; Cotorro, Guanabacoa, Playa and Plaza de la Revolucion, with 1 each)
Matanzas: 8 cases (3 from Cardenas municipality; Matanzas and Jovellanos municipalities with 2 each; 1 from Colon municipality)
Cienfuegos: 2 cases (2 from Cienfuegos municipality)
Sancti Spiritus: 1 case (1 from Cabaiguan municipality)
Camaguey: 1 case (1 from Camaguey municipality)
Holguin: 5 cases (3 from Holguin municipality; 2 from Gibara municipality)
Santiago de Cuba: 1 case (1 from Santiago de Cuba municipality)
Details of the 48 new confirmed cases:
54-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in San Antonio de los Banos municipality, Artemisa province. The source of infection is being investigated.14 contacts are kept under surveillance.
72-year-old Cuban citizen, resident of Guira de Melena municipality, Artemisa province. The source of infection is being investigated.13 contacts are kept under surveillance.
Cuban citizen, 52, resident in Mariel municipality, Artemisa province. A contact of suspected cases.12 contacts are kept under surveillance.
Cuban citizen, 37, resident in Guanajay municipality, Artemisa province. A contact of suspected cases. 27 contacts are kept under surveillance.
Cuban citizen, 54, resident in Guanabacoa municipality, Havana province. A contact of previously confirmed cases. 14 contacts are kept under surveillance.
Cuban citizen, 1 year old, resident in Regla municipality, Havana province. A contact of a previously confirmed case. 20 contacts are kept under surveillance.
Cuban citizen, 8, resident in Regla municipality, Havana province. A contact of a previously confirmed case. 20 contacts are kept under surveillance.
70-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Cotorro municipality, Havana province. The source of infection is being investigated. 7 contacts are kept under surveillance.
22-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Cerro municipality, Havana province. A contact of previously confirmed cases. 18 contacts are kept under surveillance.
19-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Marianao municipality, Havana province. A contact of a previously confirmed case.16 contacts are kept under surveillance.
62-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in San Miguel del Padron municipality, Havana province. A contact of a previously confirmed case. 17 contacts are kept under surveillance.
34-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in San Miguel del Padron municipality, Havana province. A contact of a previously confirmed case.16 contacts are kept under surveillance.
Cuban citizen, 21, resident in Marianao municipality, Havana province. A contact of a previously confirmed case. 16 contacts are kept under surveillance.
Cuban citizen, 48, resident in San Miguel del Padron municipality, Havana province. A contact of a previously confirmed case. 13 contacts are kept under surveillance.
Cuban citizen, 67, resident in San Miguel del Padron municipality, Havana province. A contact of a previously confirmed case.11 contacts are kept under surveillance.
Cuban citizen, 77, resident in Centro Habana municipality, Havana province. A contact of a previously confirmed case. 13 contacts are kept under surveillance.
Cuban citizen, 79, resident in Centro Habana municipality, Havana province. A contact of a previously confirmed case.17 contacts are kept under surveillance.
Cuban citizen, 59, resident in in Centro Habana municipality, Havana province. A contact of a previously confirmed case. 14 contacts are kept under surveillance.
36-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Centro Habana municipality, Havana province. A contact of a previously confirmed case. 12 contacts are kept under surveillance.
Cuban citizen, 55, resident in Regla municipality, Havana province. A contact of a previously confirmed case.18 contacts are kept under surveillance.
Cuban citizen, 27, resident in Marianao municipality, Havana province. A contact of a previously confirmed case. 15 contacts are kept under surveillance.
Cuban citizen, 42, resident in Diez de Octubre municipality, Havana province. The source of infection is being investigated. 38 contacts are kept under surveillance.
Cuban citizen, 87, resident in Cerro municipality, Havana province. A contact of a previously confirmed case. 16 contacts are kept under surveillance.
Cuban citizen,11, resident in Arroyo Naranjo municipality, Havana province. A contact of a previously confirmed case. 12 contacts are kept under surveillance.
27-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Regla municipality, Havana province. A contact of suspected cases.16 contacts are kept under surveillance.
47-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Playa municipality, Havana province. The source of infection is being investigated. 13 contacts are kept under surveillance.
37-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Arroyo Naranjo municipality, Havana province. A contact of a previously confirmed case.14 contacts are kept under surveillance.
Cuban citizen, 56, resident in San Miguel del Padron municipality, Havana province. A contact of a previously confirmed case. 15 contacts are kept under surveillance.
Cuban citizen, 64, resident in Diez de Octubre municipality, Havana province. A contact of suspected cases.10 contacts are kept under surveillance.
Cuban citizen, 33, resident in Plaza de la Revolucion municipality, Havana province. The source of infection is being investigated. 16 contacts are kept under surveillance.
44-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Cardenas municipality, Matanzas province. A contact of a previously confirmed case. 14 contacts are kept under surveillance.
19-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Cardenas municipality, Matanzas province. The source of infection is being investigated. 19 contacts are kept under surveillance.
Cuban citizen, 82, resident in Colon municipality, Matanzas province. The source of infection is being investigated. 21 contacts are kept under surveillance.
Cuban citizen, 21, resident in Cardenas municipality, Matanzas province. The source of infection is being investigated.14 contacts are kept under surveillance.
Cuban citizen, 42, resident in Matanzas municipality, province of the same name. A contact of a previously confirmed case.16 contacts are kept under surveillance.
Cuban citizen, 18, resident in Matanzas municipality, province of the same name. A contact of a previously confirmed case. 16 contacts are kept under surveillance.
25-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Jovellanos municipality, Matanzas province. A contact of a previously confirmed case. 12 contacts are kept under surveillance.
Cuban citizen of 50 years, resident in Jovellanos municipality, Matanzas province. A contact of a previously confirmed case. 13 contacts are kept under surveillance.
Cuban citizen, 38, resident in Cienfuegos municipality, province of the same name. The source of infection is being investigated. 43 contacts are kept under surveillance.
38-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Cienfuegos municipality, province of the same name. A contact of a previously confirmed case. 81 contacts are kept under surveillance.
Sancti Spiritus
61-year-old Cuban citizen, residing in t Cabaiguan municipality, Sancti Spiritus province. A contact of a previously confirmed case. 22 contacts are kept under surveillance.
33-year-old Cuban citizen, resident of Camaguey municipality, a province of the same name. A contact of a previously confirmed case. 30 contacts are kept under surveillance.
A 56-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Gibara municipality, Holguin province. A contact of a previously confirmed case. 13 contacts are kept under surveillance.
24-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Holguin municipality, province of the same name. A contact of suspected cases.18 contacts are kept under surveillance.
58-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Holguin municipality, province of the same name. The source of infection is being investigated. 10 contacts are kept under surveillance.
Cuban citizen, 75, resident in Holguin municipality, province of the same name. The source of infection is being investigated. 15 contacts are kept under surveillance.
Cuban citizen, 29, resident in Gibara municipality, Holguin province. A contact of a previously confirmed case. 10 contacts are kept under surveillance.
Santiago de Cuba
63-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Santiago de Cuba municipality, province of the same name. The source of infection is being investigated. 75 contacts are kept under surveillance.
Of the 1,437 patients diagnosed with the disease, 802 remain active cases, and of these, 790 have a stable clinical evolution. There are 58 deaths (two yesterday), two evacuees and 575 highs (50 more yesterday). Seven patients in a critical condition and five patients in a serioous condition are reported.
Patients reported in a critical condition
Cuban citizen, 54. He lives in Plaza de la Revolucion municipality, Havana. History of high blood pressure. He entered Intermediate Care with coughing, fever, decay and progressive shortness of breath, was ventilated and moved to Intensive CareTherapy. He stays afebrile, ventilated. Hemodynamically stable. Rx. chest with inflammatory lesions covering both hemithorax. He remains reported in a critical condition.
59-year-old Cuban citizen, she resides in Havana. History of bronchial asthma and morbid obesity. She developed coughing, decay and progressive dyspnoea, moved to Intensive Care Therapy due to incrementing of symptoms. She is afebrile, ventilated with moderate respiratory distress. Hemodynamically stable. Chest Rx without worsening elements. She remains reported in a critical condition.
82-year-old Cuban citizen. She resides in Havana. She made sudden picture of dyspnoea and hypotension so she is intubated and ventilated, moving to Intensive Care Therapy. She is afebrile, unstable hemodynamically, with chest Rx. Bilateral inflammatory lesions. She is reported in a critical condition.
77-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Havana. History of arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic renal insufficiency, ischemic cardiopathy and obesity. She is afebrile, ventilated, with light respiratory distress. Unstable hemodynamically, in anuria in the last 24 hours pending dialytic treatment. She is reported in a critical condition.
53-year-old Cuban citizen. With a history of diabetes mellitus. She is clinical stability, has not returned to fever, bleeding, ventilated. Rx chest discrete improvement Hemodynamics stable. She remains reported in a critical condition.
77-year-old Cuban citizen from nursing home. A history of senile dementia. She is received in Intensive Care from a febrile room with a picture of respiratory failure and with significant dehydration, progressively stabilizing hemodynamics, and starting with mechanical ventilation. She is afebrile, hemodynamically stable. Rx chest discrete improvement. She remains reported in a critical condition.
85-year-old Cuban citizen from Nursing Home, Santa Clara. History of arterial hypertension, ischemic cardiopathy, chronic renal insufficiency and senile dementia. He presented general condition intake, polypnea and peribucal cyanosis, he presents gasometry with severe hypoxemia and is moved for Intensive Care Therapy, with mechanical ventilation, and light respiratory distress. He has a clinical improvement, afebrile. Hemodynamically unstable. Rx chest. Inflammatory infiltrate in both lung fields, small pleural effusion in right hemithorax. Cardiomegaly. He remains reported in a critical condition.
Patients reported in a serious condition:
59-year-old Cuban citizen. She resides in Pinar del Rio. History of high blood pressure. Patient entering at the end of March for respiratory sepsis where she leaves with negative PCR. She returns because of 38 0C fever, wet cough and decay, PCR is repeated and is positive, moving to Leon Cuervo Rubio Hospital. She made a picture of hypoglycemia with conscientious disorders. She is conscious, oriented, ventilated spontaneously with good ventilatory mechanics. Rx chest. opacity at the apex, middle third and right lung base. She is hemodynamically stable. She is reported in a serious condition.
79-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Havana. History of hypertension, lung cancer and obesity. She is afebrile, ventilates spontaneously. Hemodynamically stable. Rx chest. Veiled all left hemithorax and right base. She is reported in a serious condition.
25-year-old Cuban citizen, from Jovellanos municipality, Matanzas History of obstructive hydrocephalus 5 years ago. Admitted in hospital with headache, vomiting, fever and oliguria, with metabolic acidemia, negative lumbar puncture, recovers with volume, encephalitis is raised. He remains dissociated, afebrile, ventilating spontaneously. Hemodynamically stable, Negative Thorax Rx. He is reported in a serious condition.
49-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Santiago de Cuba municipality. With a history of arterial hypertension. He has a wet cough, superficial polypnea at times, spontaneously ventilated. Hemodynamically stable. Rx chest inflammatory lesions spread in both hemithorax, predominantly left unchanged. He is reported in a serious condition.
69-year-old Cuban citizen from Guantanamo municipality. History of arterial hypertension diabetes mellitus, chronic renal insufficiency, ischemic vascular brain disease and confined to bed. He entered Agustino Neto Hospital of Guantanamo with dyspnoea, cough and expectoration, PCR was positive, moved to Joaquin Castillo Duany Hospital (Santiago de Cuba). He began with severe shortness of breath, tachycardia and hypotension, it is interpreted as a fine branched pulmonary thromboembolism and he is moved to Intensive Care Therapy. He is conscious, oriented, afebrile, ventilates spontaneously. Hemodynamically stable. He is reported in a serious condition.
Unfortunately, two deaths occurred:
Cuban citizen, 85, from Manicaragua municipality, Villa Clara. With a history of diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension and confined to bed. He entered Celestino Hernandez Hospital with polypnea and fever, during his hospitalization he falls and has a hip fracture. He was in Intensive Care Therapy due to dehydration and acute respiratory failure. He had a cardio-respiratory arrest and overcome it. He was intubated and ventilated, with hemodynamic instability. He had clinical gasometric worsening, without response to measurements and proceedings performed. He died of pulmonary thromboembolism, mixed shock and viral pneumonia. We deeply regret what happened and convey to his family and friends our deepest condolences.
63-year-old Cuban citizen from Santiago de Cuba. A history of glaucoma and paranoid schizophrenia for which he had follow-up consultation for psychiatry and standard treatment for his underlying disease. He entered Gustavo Machin Psychiatric Hospital from his home, because of a decompensation of his basic psychiatric illness. He began with catarrhal symptoms with abundant nasal secretions, wet cough and expectoration, afebrile. He was sent and admitted to Ambrosio Grillo Hospital. He was found to have discreet polypnea, thoracic expandability decreased globally mainly towards the lung bases, without distal cyanosis or other symptomatology. It was decided to report with Severe Respiratory Infection by the clinical picture presented. Quick test was performed for COVID-19 which was negative. During his preparation for assessment and its transfer to the Intensive Care Unit the patient collapses and dies, not responding to therapeutic measures performed. Presented chest Rx with inflammatory infiltrate in both disseminated lung fields, diagnosis of non-hypostatic extra hospital bronchopneumonia is emitted. Necropsy was performed according to protocol of suspected COVID-19 cases and samples were taken from both lungs for virological studies, with a positive result. We deeply regret what happened and convey to his family and friends our deepest condolences.
UntilApril 27, 183 countries with COVID-19 cases are reported with 2 million 916 thousand 507 confirmed cases (+71 thousand 795) and 205 thousand 923 deceased (+ 4 thousand 608) for a lethality of 7.06% (-0.05).
In the Americas region, 182,33 million confirmed cases (+47 thousand 747) are reporte. 40.55% of the total reported cases worldwide, with 65 thousand 752 killed (+ 2 thousand 103) for a lethality of 5.56%.