Etiqueta: NATO
2 April, 2019 The Legacy of an American Hero against NATO

On April 4, Americans will remember Reverend Martin Luther King, assassinated that day of 1968, and whose ideas are considered to be very effective by different sectors.

25 January, 2019 Workers of the World Condemn Interference in Venezuela

The World Federation of Trade Unions, on behalf of the more than its 95 million members, strongly rejected the attempted coup d’état against the legitimate Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

30 May, 2017 Putin Urges to Global Counter-terrorism Cooperation

Russian President Vladimir Putin called this Tuesday to organize global cooperation against terrorism, a scourge that strikes his country, some members of the North Atlantic Organization, NATO, and develops a war in the Middle East

25 May, 2017 Protests in Brussels against NATO

Hundreds of people protest this Thursday against the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO, near this agency’s headquarters in Brussels, where the summit of Heads of State and Government is held