
vietnamita 2Havana, Cuba.- Vietnamese President Dai Tran Quang exhorted Vietnamese entrepreneurs to make busineses and investments with Cuba and increase the economic, commercial and financial links, and make joint investments in both nations.

‘This is the common will, ratified at the maximum political and governmental level,’ said President Tran Quang when he spoke about a dialogue in the last hours with Cuban President Raul Castro.

Vietnamese firms are taking part here in investment projects, linked to the construction of infrastructure for tourism -including a 5-star hotel-, the production of construction materials, the elaboration of detergent, the use of renewable energy and crude oil search, discovery and exploitation.

In the opening of a forum for entrepreneurs, Tran Quang pointed out that othyer Vietnamese companies are interested in investing in Cuba, especially, in the Special Development Zone of Mariel, west of Cuba.

Tran Quang reported that the annual session -the number 34- of the Cuba-Vietnam Inter Governmental Commision, is to be started soon.

‘This mechanism, will evaluate concrete initiatives to sponsor businesses, as much in the commercial as in the investment fields,’ Tran stated.

The Vietnamese President highlighted the increase of the economic exchange, the collaboration in the recent years, in areas such as agriculture, construction, education, public health, science, technology and transport.

He valued the positive results of the Vietnamese contribution to Cuban food security program with specific plans for the expansion of the cultivation of rice, corn and soybean, as well as of aquaculture.

He said there is great potential in order to impel the economic links, on the base of an invaluable treasure: the historical brotherhood between two peoples and its main leaders, for the sake of common targets in the construction of the socialism.

The Cuban Foreign Trade and Investment Minister (Mincex), Rodrigo Malmierca, said that between the current initiatives, stands out the establishment of a cooperated production of vaccines and medicines in Vietnamese territory, which will be an example of the collaboration between two nations in development.

Malmierca was grateful for the Vietnamese decision to extend its help in rice export, for a fifth stage from 2017 to 2020, as well as the support to other food programs.

At present, Vietnam is the second commercial associate of Cuba in the region of Asia – Oceania, and the main supplier of rice, on the route of the direct imports and its participation in the program of food security.