We won´t abandon any of our principles.

“Socialism, the system the government of the United States denigrates, we defend it because we believe in social justice (…)”. Raul Castro Ruz. Photo/ Revolution Studio

HAVANA, Cuba.- The First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba, Raul Castro Ruz, said in an article published this Monday by Granma newspaper that the new American attempts to overthrow the Revolution will fail again as it happened in the past.

The increase of the economic war, with the strengthening of the blockade and the continued application of the Helms-Burton Act, pursue the old yearning to overthrow the Cuban Revolution by means of economic suffocation and hardship, the Cuban leader emphasizes.

Raul adds that there is again an adverse scenario and once again, the euphoria in our enemies and the rush to make true the dreams of destroying Cuba´s example revive.

It will not be the first time, nor the last, that the Cuban Revolution will face challenges and threats. We have run all the risks and resisted 60 years undefeated.

In the article, Raul assures that for us, as for Venezuela and Nicaragua, it is very clear that the siege closes in and our people must be alert and prepared to respond every challenge with unity, steadfastness, optimism and unwavering faith in victory.

Those who are delusional about the restoration of imperialist domination in our region should understand that Latin America and the Caribbean have changed and the world too, the Army General added.

Raul says it has never been more necessary to march effectively on the road to unity, recognizing that we have many interests in common. Working for unity in diversity is an unpostponable need.

To achieve this, Raul points out, it requires a strict adherence to the proclamation of Latin America and the Caribbean as a Zone of Peace, signed by the heads of State and Government in Havana in January 2014.