
Havana, Cuba.- The World Council of the José Martí Project of International Solidarity rejected in this capital the interference of the United States in the internal affairs of other countries and its desire to destabilize the progressive governments.

During the last day of the IV International Conference for the Balance of the World, the group expressed last night its concern for the exercise of the US Government policies that promote conflicts, accelerate the arms race, unjust wars and ignore the need for multilateralism.

The text, read by the renowned Brazilian theologian and writer Frei Betto, points out that with such actions the northern country ignores international law and tramples on the right to self-determination.

‘We call on the American people – who can play a fundamental role in stopping such policies – to understand that the course of events caused by the aggressive, interventionist and in disrespecting escalation of international law that characterizes the current US administration is against the interests of humanity, ‘says the statement.

The World Council of the José Martí Project of International Solidarity also expressed its support for the Venezuelan people and their constitutional government in the face of the aggressions hatched from Washington, as well as Nicaragua, the object of US pressure and interference.

In addition, he spoke in favor of the immediate release of former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio ‘Lula’ da Silva and called for an end to persecution and harassment against Latin American progressive leaders.

‘We urge the rulers, parliamentarians, civil society, the community as a whole and in particular the young people to face these problems, aware that for the first time in history there may be points of no return in issues related to peace and the environment ‘, read Frei Betto.

The IV edition of the International Conference for the Balance of the World began on the 28th with the presence of more than 650 delegates from 65 countries, as well as an important Cuban delegation.

During the meeting, topics such as the importance of intercultural dialogue, the arts, diversity, the role and challenges of social movements, solidarity as a basis for coexistence, protection of the environment and peace were discussed.