Political effervescence in Argentina in the face of primaries.

Photo/Press Latina.

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina.- When only 24 hours are left to complete the period of recognition of transitional alliances in the face of the August primaries, there is a political effervescence in Argentina.

While citizenship only speaks about high food prices and how to make ends meet in a year marked by recession and inflation, crucial moments are experienced in the political sphere.

The truth is there are already formulas that have clearly said they will fight for the presidency, like that of Alberto Fernandez and Cristina Fernandez, representing Citizen Unit, who already starred their first act together.

Meanwhile, President Mauricio Macri, who is going to re-elect, has reiterated in every public speech the works launched during his management and has done it on Twitter. The remaining parties still decide who will represent them in the internals.