Pope Francis sends message for 500th anniversary of Havana

Pope Francis sent a warm message to the people of Havana on the eve of the 500th anniversary of the founding of their city, St. Christopher of Havana.

In the video message, the pontiff said he was happy to join his beloved brothers and sisters of Havana in the ephemeris and noted that in those years there are many lives woven by others, many dreams, efforts, shared sacrifices for build the present and future of Cuba’s children.

In this sense, Pope Francis referred to faith, charity and hope, three historical aspects which, in his opinion, were present from the beginning of the foundations, and still remain as pillars for this time.

Founded in 1519 in the shade of a leafy tree, a ceiba, Havana, capital of Cuba, became a very cosmopolitan city laden with travelers from all over.
