Rome, Italy.- An emotive event was held at the headquarters of Patria Socialista (Socialist Homeland, PS), at which Italian political and social organizations paid tribute to Commander Ernesto Che Guevara.

PS representatives from Roma II municipality, the Italy-Cuba National Friendship Association (ANAIC) and the Venezuelan and Cuban embassies gathered in front of a plaque unveiled two years ago on the 50th anniversary of the Argentinean-Cuban guerrilla’s death.

When remembering the revolutionary leader assassinated on October 9, 1967, in Bolivia, after being captured in combat, PS Foreign Relations Chief Ivan Collini said that Che lives on in Cuba in the people who resist and fight for their own destiny.

When expressing solidarity with the peoples of Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia and Ecuador, among others, he said that ‘Che lives on in the people’s struggle where they resist or fight for a different social model, not based on capital, but on life, and that model has a precise name, it is called socialism.’

For his part, Rino Fabiano, Environment advisor to Roma II municipality, noted that ‘The Commander continues to show us the way,’ and urged to work from all positions ‘wherever we are so that the extraordinary becomes the daily,’ as he wanted.

Journalist and Altrenotizie Director Fabrizio Casari underlined Che’s example as a source of inspiration for the new generations, and referred to the current situation in Latin America with the Ecuadorian people’s struggle.

He noted the political changes in that part of the world, where Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Bolivia are resisting, while the Argentinean people could contribute to positive change in the elections in late November.

Casari called to break the siege of mass media corporations regarding what is happening in Ecuador, while they also distort what is going on in Venezuela.

Other speakers were ANAIC Vice President Marco Papacci, PS Secretary Igor Camilli, Venezuelan Embassy Counsellor Mailin Lopez and Cuban Embassy First Secretary Mauricio Martínez, who praised Commander Ernesto Che Guevara’s everlasting example.