Havana, Cuba.- Cuba’s Foreign Minister of Foreign Affairs Bruno Rodriguez assured this Monday that blockade against the country is genocide, much more in the midst of Covid-19 pandemic.

On Twitter, the FM ratified that ‘blockades and sanctions do not have ethical or legal justification,’ and criticized that in a context where nations must help each other, the US ‘tightens its aggression against a supportive country.’

Rodriguez added to his message the tag#TheBlockadeKills, which appears in social networks along with plenty of messages demanding the end of this policy.

In the face of the world health emergency due to the novel coronavirus, several organizations, institutions and personalities have requested the US government to lift sanctions against Cuba, Venezuela and other countries.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres is one of the voices that have called for putting an end to unilateral coercive measures to guarantee the access of food, health and assistance supplies.

On Sunday, the African National Congress requested the Trump administration on a message, to immediately lift all sanctions against Cuba, Iran, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Palestine, and acknowledged Cuban medical collaboration with other nations.

Recently, Puebla’s Group also pronounced to remove the blockade that reaches new dimensions by stopping the arrival of humanitarian aid to Cuba, as it occurred with Alibaba Chinese company’s donation.

On 28 times, the UN General Assembly has condemned this policy, which costs 104 million dollars to the country’s health sector from April 2018 to March 2019.