Peace Boat will arrive in Havana this Saturday.

Peace Boat will arrive in Havana this Saturday.

HAVANA, Cuba. – This Saturday the Peace Boat, a Japanese project promoting nuclear disarmament and environmental sustainability of the planet, will arrive in Havana on its 17th visit.

Tokuko Kimura, a survivor of the US atomic attack on Japan travels on the ship, and along the route he gives testimonies on the horrors nuclear weapons cause.

Peace Boat´s passengers will visit health and education centers, senior citizens’ programs and will meet with university students.

In one of his meetings with them in Havana, Fidel said: Our duty, as the best way to support the efforts of the victims of that barbaric and brutal attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, is to disclose all this, and pointed out: The world has to defend the most important cause of all: the survival of the species.