Diaz-Canel: Cubans Do Not Surrender

HAVANA, Cuba.- The President of Cuba, Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez, said Cuba relies on its strengths and dignity, following the decision announced by the United States to activate Title III of the Helms-Burton Act.

In a message on Twitter, Diaz-Canel said, The attitude against those who hold the sword against us will not change. We Cubans do not surrender, nor do we accept laws on our destinies that are outside the Constitution.

The Cuban President also: wrote, Title III is no worse than number I nor number II, which are in the portfolio of actions against the people of Cuba. No one is going to take away from us, neither by seduction nor by force, the fatherland the fathers earned standing.

Title III represents the extraterritorial nature of Washington’s aggression against Havana and its goal of betting on economic suffocation as a method to materialize its long-awaited policy change in Cuba.