Paris, France.- French intellectual Salim Lamrani described today as a feat the resistance of Cuba against over six decades of aggression from the United States.

The island remains firm despite the state of implacable siege imposed by Washington, and also continues to develop a model of society that is an example for all countries of the South, both at the level of national sovereignty and social conquests, he said in an interview with Prensa Latina.

Regarding the 61st anniversary of the revolution of January 1, 1959, the academic and essayist said those who believe in the values ??of independence, solidarity, equality, fraternity and freedom admire that process.

‘The fact that the Cuban people has remained standing, despite the multiple attacks coming from the North and they have not given up, is a true feat worthy of admiration,’ said the professor at the University of La Réunion, located in the French overseas department of the same name.

According to Lamrani, in the midst of such a hostile scenario, the largest of the Antilles is an example of dignity and a universal message of emancipation.

‘It symbolizes the resistance of those below to oppression. The Cuban people demonstrate it is possible, in a geopolitical context of extreme adversity, to take collective possession of national resources and place the human being at the center of the society project, ‘he explained.